July 2nd: FTCJ x LH presents:Human Trafficking Happens in Japan too!? A discussion with a Filipino Sex Trafficking Survivor

<Commemorating World Day against Trafficking in Persons>

FTCJ x LH presents:
Human Trafficking Happens in Japan too!?
A discussion with a Filipino Sex Trafficking Survivor

Human trafficking is a crime prohibited by international treaties and a grave violation of one’s human rights. Currently, it is said that 20.9 million people are victims of human trafficking and slavery worldwide.

These individuals have been deceived, abused, and sold into sex industries, prostitution, hard labor, forced marriages, and the illegal organ trade markets.
It has been said that around 30 percent of human trafficking victims are children.

In commemoration of World Day against Trafficking in Persons on July 30, we have invited Ms. Marlyn Capio-Richter, a survivor from the Philippines who was sold to sex traffickers as a child, for a very special speaker event.

Japan is also, unfortunately, a final destination for victims of human trafficking. Children are currently being traded and sold in the sex industry. Recently, Japan has come under fire from the international community for not doing enough.

Let us look at the human trafficking problem in Japan, especially with regards to the trafficking of children and young people, and consider what we can do to help.

Time: July 2, 2016 (Saturday) 18:00~20:00 (Doors open 17:30)
Place: RYOZAN PARK Sugamo Event Space
Address: 1-9-1 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo (2 minutes from Sugamo station on JR Yamanote Line)
Fee: High school students & below: Free / Other students: 500 yen / Adults: 1,000 yen
To RSVP or Book the event: https://ws.formzu.net/fgen/S11261645/

※Please note that Ms. Marlyn Capio-Richter will offer remarks in English, but the event will be in Japanese. Simultaneous interpretation from English to Japanese will be available.

About the guest speaker:
Marlyn Capio-Richter, Social Worker, Preda Foundation
Ms. Capio-Richter fled from her home when she was 12. Living on the streets, she became a victim of human trafficking and was forced into prostitution with tourists visiting the Philippines. At the age of 15, she was freed from her situation by the Preda Foundation, an NGO in the Philippines that saves children from sexual abusers. With Preda’s support, she overcame her traumatic experiences and returned to school, becoming a certified social worker in college and returning to work at the NGO that saved her. Today, she is helping to empower and restore the dignity of young girls who have survived sexual abuse and is sharing her own experience as a sex trafficking survivor in speaker events around the world.

Hosted by:
Free The Children Japan
Lighthouse: Center for Human Trafficking Victims