地球愛祭り 2013
地球愛祭り Earth Love Festival 2013.07.27
On Saturday, Free the Children Japan participated in the annual Earth Love Festival. We held a booth where we sold fair-trade goods, passed out pamphlets about FTCJ, and walked around asking for change and donations! Many youth members came to volunteer throughout the day, making the youth the leaders of the festival. Whether it was asking for donations, selling goods, or explaining about FTCJ, everything was done by the youth.

In addition, about 30 FTCJ youth and kids members gathered to perform a dance to Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” and K’NAAN’s “Waving Flag.” After their entertaining performance, they finished by giving the audience information about what Free the Children Japan is and how youth are involved. They did a wonderful job and definitely brought more people to the booth to support FTCJ!

It was a very successful event. Thank you to everyone who volunteered and participated!