【子どもメンバー主催】入管問題アンケート(We are the MOVEMENT 2021-2022)/Survey About the Detention of Asylum Seekers and Undocumented Workers

2021年9月から開始した「We are the MOVEMENT 2021-2022」。このプロジェクトは、子ども若者が社会問題を自分ゴトとして考え、ひとりひとりがアクションを起こす社会を作るべく、子ども若者自身が様々なソーシャルアクションに挑戦するものです。公募により選ばれたイベントは、立案者自身が企画・主催をし、本プロジェクトの一環として、大東建託グループみらい基金の助成、認定NPO法人フリー・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパンの運営補佐のもと実施されます。



*This ariticle is written in Japanese and English, but the content is the same.


こんにちは!中学生が入管問題に関するアクションを行っている With Refugees です!

※ 入管問題とは、日本に移民や難民として来たものの、まだビザなどがないため在日資格がない方々に関する問題です。


こんにちは!中学生(ちゅうがくせい)が入管問題(にゅうかんもんだい)の活動(かつどう)をしているWith Refugees です!



Hello, everyone! We areWith Refugees”, a group of junior high school students taking action to help solve the problems immigrants and refugees face at immigration detention centers in Japan.

We would like to ask you to fill our online survey about the violation of human rights in immigration detention centers.

*Immigration detention centers are governmental facilities where asylum seekers and undocumented workers are detained.
*Asylum seekers refers to those who were forced to displace, but whose refugee status hasn’t been recognized yet.
*Undocumented workers refers to those who work in Japan without a valid visa.

We are going to make recommendations directly to the Japanese Government to prevent the violation of human rights in immigration detention centers, so we would like to hear your opinion on the matter

We would like you to tell us your opinion about the immigration detention centers issue, which refers to the problems faced by individuals who entered Japan as immigrants or refugees but are no longer in possession of a regular status in the country (because of an expired visa, etc.) 

One specific issue we are going to make recommendations about this time around is that of the violation of human rights taking place within immigration detention centers, a particularly pressing issue as illustrated by the death of a woman from Sri Lanka at an immigration detention center in March of this year.


【企画・アクション詳細/わたしたちがすること/Our plan and the details of our action
みなさんから入管問題に関するアンケートを集め、私たちWith Refugeesが入管施設内での人権侵害を予防するために関係する機関へのロビイング(政策提言)を行うときに集めたご意見も一緒に届けたいと考えています!




We would like to hear your opinion to make recommendations to the Japanese Government about detaining undocumented workers and asylum seekers.
Violations of human rights and acts of violence are actual problems taking place at immigration detention centers.



※We also offer the online survey in Japanese and easy Japanese.


・日程、期間/日にち/Date(2021年11月11日21:40追記:アンケート期間を延長しました。)(2021.11.11 21:40 UPDATED:Survey period was extended.)
From October 7th (Thu) to November 7th (Sun)30th(Tue)


・対象/答(こた)える人(ひと)/Target People
24 years old or younger


English, Japanese, or easy Japanese


・回答方法/答(こた)えかた/How to answer
Please choose one survey from below and answer the questions.

日本語版: https://forms.gle/u9GCQPHC4XZJzqz4A
やさしい日本語(にほんご): https://forms.gle/LvLYPeqo9DqAsTUa6
English version: https://forms.gle/sXxj8wk9nZfhC6AFA



※ 質問等の場合は、3日以内にメールを送信していただいたメールアドレスにお送りいたします。
*Please change @ to @ (half size alphabet). We will reply to your email address within 3 days if you have any questions.



With Refugees(ウィリーズ)


※本企画は、大東建託グループ みらい基金の助成、認定NPO法人フリー・ザ・チルドレン・ジャパンの
運営補佐のもと実施されている、「We are the MOVEMENT」の一環として開催されています。

This project is implemented as a part of “We are the MOVEMENT” . “We are the MOVEMENT” is hosted by Free the Children Japan that supports each project with grant of Daito Group Mirai Fund.