Hello, I am Yvette Minko, Yvi for someones, from Cameroon, a beautiful country of west central Africa. From the map above, Green represent the great forest in the Sourthen part of the country; yellow the sun, happiness and the savannahs in the North; and the red the unity of about 200 different ethnics of the country, with the yellow star in the center representing the star of unity.
こんにちは、私はYvette Minko(イヴェット・ミンコ)です。Yvi(アイビー)と呼ぶ人もいます。出身はカメルーン、西中央アフリカにある美しい国です。上記の国土地図において、緑色は国の南部に位置する広大な森林、黄色は太陽、幸福、北部のサバンナ、そして赤色は約200の異なる民族の統合を意味し、中央にある黄色い調和の星を伴います。
I am from the Sud, but I live in the politic capital “Yaounde” with my parents. But actually I am and exchange student at Sophia University in Japan, coming from the Catholic University of Central Africa in Yaounde were i am ending my training on Master in Development and Project Management in Africa.
At the end of our training we are call to follow and academic internship for a practical training of all what we’ve learned at school .And, registered in the department of Global Environmental Study at Sophia, I met many other international students like Caroline to whom I spoke about my in a hurry situation of finding and internship. She asked me if I am interested in NGOs, and I said “yes of course”; and later on, she introduced me to “Free The Children Japan” through one of his contact by mail; were we discuss about some conditions and settle the date of the interview. That is how I obtained an internship at “Free The Children Japan”
I am very thankful to God, and grateful to Caroline, the instrument he used to help me find this internship. Thank you very muchJ. And I am so exiting about working abroad, especially in Tokyo, were I can have the opportunity to learn more, to give my little contribution for the promotion and the preferment of the organization.
