[Report] Emergency Relief to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

We hope you are well under uncertain times with the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Thank you to all who have donated to our emergency COVID-19 relief program.
We have directed your donations towards emergency relief programs in the Philippines.


What we have done in the Philippines

We were able to provide basic necessities and nutritious meals for low-income households and indigenous children in Aeta Village in San Bales State. We were able to continue support for around 90 families for 5 continuous days.
In the Philippines, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, community isolation measures have been taken, with communities unable to carry out normal economic activities, and day jobs decreasing. The situation is especially dawning for families with low savings and many children, as they become unable to afford even basic necessities such as food.
To support families and children in this situation, with support from our local staff, FTCJ has provided some vegetables, rice, and ‘Tinora’, a nutritious traditional Filipino meal, as well as other basic necessities.




↑ Tinora is a traditional Filipino chicken dish


We’d like to express our gratitude towards those who have donated to our project once again.
We kindly ask you to continue supporting us, as we hope to continue our emergency COVID-19 relief program in the Philippines, Kenya, Ecuador and India.


Here is a ‘Thank you po!’ (Thank you very much) from the children who have received your support.