09/04/2009 SWFAddress 2.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New INTERNAL_CHANGE and EXTERNAL_CHANGE events. - Support for parameter arrays. - Improved IE8 support. - Fixed IE initialization issues. - Fixed browser communication issues with AS2/AVM2 on Mac. - Fixed URL decoding for AS1 and AS2. - Fixed handling of swfobject.createSWF. - Workaround for WebKit bug 20355. - Frameset support and corresponding sample. - All methods dealing with parameters and query strings no longer return empty strings. 04/29/2009 SWFAddress 2.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New public encodeURI/decodeURI methods for AS1 and AS2. - New Unicode sample and improved support for unicode values. - Improved detection of ExternalInterface and swfaddress.js availability. - Improved fix for Firefox 3/Mac OSX. - Improved degradation in uncontrolled cross-domain parent frames. - The explicit id attribute of swfobject.embedSWF() is now optional. - Simplified browser sniffing. - Removed internal eval() statements. - Removed support for swfaddress.html. - SWFAddress.getParameter() no longer returns an empty string if the parameter is not available. - The SWFAddress.getTracker() no longer has a default value but the behavior remains the same. - Support for hash fragments in the SEO redirection. - MOTW is added to all the static samples. 12/17/2008 SWFAddress 2.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Refactored JavaScript implementation. - New SWFAddress.swc AS3 component. - New CS4 based Splash screen sample. - New Digg API sample. - New up() method for easier deep linking path navigation. - New XSS protection that doesn't affect special characters. - Support for Internet Explorer 8. - Support for custom HTTP status messages in the SEO sample. - Improved title handling. - Improved unload event handling for IE. - Updated Rails sample. - Fixed getBaseURL() for AS3. - Fixed Safari 2.0-2.0.3 support. - Build-in fix for the Firefox 3/Mac OSX blinking effect. - Additional onLoad fix for application/xml content type. - Fixed optional options parameter for the popup method. - Cross platform build script. - Various optimizations. 04/09/2008 SWFAddress 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New SWFAddressOptimizer class that encapsulates the JavaScript SEO code and improves the HTML degradation of Flash websites. - New getPathNames and getBaseURL methods. - New Rewriteless sample for SEO support without URL rewriting. - New YouTube Player API sample for video deep linking. - New SWiSH Max2 sample. - Tomcat SEO sample ported to Flex. - Enhanced SEO sample. - Improved href and popup methods. - Safari 3 reload and popup blocker fixes. - Deep links validation for XSS vulnerabilities. - DOM fix for Firefox. - The new Google Analytics tracking is supported out of the box. - Strict mode no longer requires a slash at the end of the value. - The A2S/AS3 classes are available in the com.asual.swfaddress package. - Flex 3 compatibility. 11/16/2007 SWFAddress 2.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Support for multiple Flash movies and Ajax. - Event listeners for ActionScript and JavaScript. - New SWFAddressEvent class with support for INIT and CHANGE types. - New unobtrusive SEO technique. - Support for Adobe Flash CS3. - Support for Flash Player 7 with the Flash/JavaScript Integration Kit. - Support for SWFObject 2.0, UFO and Adobe's Active Content embedding. - New strict mode that adds trailing slashes by default. - New helper methods for link, window and popup management. - New methods for browser history manipulation. - Ability to specify a custom tracker function. - Ability to configure the script with query parameters. - The swfaddress.html is optional and not used by default. - Lots of new and improved Flash based samples. - Various optimizations and fixes. - API docs for ActionScript 3 and JavaScript. 01/31/2007 SWFAddress 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved SEO rewriting rules and IE support. - Transparent page view tracking with Google Analytics. - New ActionScript getParameterNames method. - Flex 2 sample changed to work with states. - Support for named EMBED tag in a typical OBJECT/EMBED combination. - Support for rollover statusbar display of deep links, an idea by Andrey Gorbatov. - Safari history is stored in document.location. - Example for rewriting of content placed in the domain root. - Fixed preloader for the MTASC sample. - Fix for degradation in unsupported browsers. - Fix for working with the top window location. 11/21/2006 SWFAddress 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved folder structure. - Build procedure based on Apache Ant. - Optimized version that utilizes the dojo compressor. - Support for GET style parameters with the corresponding getPath, getQueryString, getParameter methods. - SEO support via PHP/mod_rewrite for Apache HTTPD and JSP/UrlRewrite for Apache Tomcat. It uses values like '/portfolio/' instead of '/portfolio' or '/portfolio/?desc=true' instead of '/portfolio?desc=true'. - Detection of supported browsers. - Improved Safari support that relies on a cached form and cookies. The method is not bulletproof, but will work in the majority of cases. - SWFAddress.setValue can be called from JavaScript. - Support for manual address changes in IE. - Fix for '#' title in IE. 10/23/2006 SWFAddress 1.0 RC ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First official release.